Andrew Hirata


Curious coder who enjoys working on interesting problems to help bring beautiful ideas to players. I’ve been in the game industry for about 8 years (2011-2019) and have worked on everything from tools, client programming, UI programming, server programming, lite amounts of DevOps, infrastructure, and IT out of box setup.

Job History

Computer Programmer: Z2Live/Z2/King/Activision-Blizzard — 2011-2019


Digipen Institute of Technology, Redmond, WA, USA — Real-time interactive simulation 2011

Programming Languages:

  • C (~8 years)
  • C++ ( ~8 years)
  • Objective-C (8 years)
  • Lua (~ 3 Years)
  • Ruby (~6 Years)
    • Used for tools
  • Rust (~1 Year)
    • I mostly use this for hobby projects


  • Git
  • Perforce (using and light scripting)
  • bash
  • vim
  • macOS
  • Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

Game Titles:

  • Paradise Bay (2017-2019)
    • “Live” “Engineer”,
      • Worked on infrastructure, tools, bugs, optimizations, dev ops, and working to make sure that people are not ‘blocked’
  • BattleNations (2013-2015)
    • Game Play Programmer, UI Programmer, Server programmer
    • Helped port the game to Windows & Android
    • Added features
  • ShadowSlayer (2013)
    • Game Play Programmer, UI Programmer, Server programmer, Tools
  • Metalstorm (2011-2014)
    • Game Play Programmer, UI Programmer, Server programmer, Tools
  • BattleNations (2011)
    • Game Play Programmer, UI programming (UIKit)

Interesting projects:

  • Worked on team supporting in Studio C++ and Lua based engine
    • C++ code for core engine features
    • platform specific code (Java / Objective-C / C++/cx)
  • Took over supporting support ticket and FAQ proxy Server
    • Sinatra Unicorn server
  • Worked with others to increase server CCU(PB 800)
    • Lua and Java
    • Learned how to lua byte code works
  • Out of Box update to work with new macOS
  • Tools for processing content for Paradise Bay
  • Worked with integrating offsite team integrating lua based transaction system
  • Ask me about bugs I’ve found and fixed

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